8 Things to Know Before Working with a Naturopathic Doctor for Infertility

Write Out a Timeline

Having a documented timeline of your fertility history and anything related to fertility health in prior years is very helpful when working on your case. Women, for example, it is helpful to have a history of female health challenges throughout your life, a general history of your period, history of birth control usage, pregnancy history and/or infertility history, and therapies you have tried in the past.

Have a Good Understanding of Your Period

Using a mobile period tracker can be very helpful here. Depending on your cause, 6 months to 1 year of cycles can be helpful during your initial consultation. Tracking symptoms like headaches, breast tenderness, cramping, mood changes, spotting, libido, and  bloating, can be helpful. As well as, knowing the number of days of bleeding, the length of your cycle, if you suspect ovulation and when and how you suspect ovulation (ovulation tests, basal body temperature tracking or through observation). For more...

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