I hold your hand as we go through this journey together. 

I am committed to providing answers to your infertility questions.

I am driven to help couples have healthy babies. 

I am dedicated to improving the health of future generations. 

I am dedicated to the needs and goals of all of my patients, and you can expect that.

We know that fertility is not only based on your sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, etc.). Both your partner and your own overall health are important for not only getting pregnant but also having a healthy baby! We take a comprehensive and individualized approach, so your chances of a healthy pregnancy are optimized. Treatments are individualized, safe, and effective. 

What will we cover in your first consultation?


  • In-depth health and fertility history and discussion about your current concerns with an emphasis on root causes of what could be impacting your fertility (both partners- if applicable).
  • Analysis of common, but often overlooked things that can hinder your fertility.
  • Review of all relevant testing you have already completed (both partners- if applicable).
  • Custom protocol that is tailored to your unique health and fertility needs and health need. This may include nutritional + herbal + supplement + lifestyle recommendations.
  • Includes recommendations for both partners, if applicable and desired.

What will follow-up consultations look like?


  • Monitor progress with observational changes and follow up testing.
  • Discuss any questions that you have.
  • Working closely together to ensure we are on the right track and adjusting your plan as necessary.


1. Apply to Work With Me

Our compatibility is important to me. The last thing I want to do is waste your valuable time if we are not a good fit. I have started asking important questions upfront to ensure we are a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Apply Now

2. Schedule a Consultation

All consultations are virtual, so you don't need to take the day off from work to travel for our consultation.

You can meet with me individually or as a couple. You and your partner do not need to be physically together, just as long as you both have a computer or phone.

3. Set Up Your Portal

Within 24 business hours after scheduling your consultation, you will receive an e-mail to set up your portal, this is where we will communicate, share labs, and you will fill out forms, all in one easy place. 

Give us time to get your portal invite sent over, we need to put your information into our system. 

4. Fill Out Your Intake Forms

Your forms will be in your portal waiting for you to fill out. Please have these filled out at-least 48 hours before your consultation, I like to set aside time to prepare for our meeting beforehand, and I want you to get the most out of our time. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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