10 Facts About Naturopathic Infertility Care

Are you ready for 10 incredible facts about Naturopathic infertility care? Naturopathic Doctors are the pioneers of functional medicine. Our approach works with the body to facilitate healing and optimize health. When it comes to fertility/infertility it is the ideal place to start. Unfortunately, many couples don't know it as an available option when they are considering their path forward. In this article I will outline 10 benefits of Naturopathic infertility care.

In the diagram above, there are five areas of healing opportunity before reaching medications, surgeries, and invasive procedures. This diagram is known as the Therapeutic Order, and it gracefully moves from least invasive to most invasive therapies. When you step into most conventional fertility practices these first five areas of opportunity are glazed over. This is not the fault of the practice or the doctors you see, but rather a problem with the system. Insurance requires certain criteria and certain algorithms to be followed, taking away the personalization of medicine, and making patients oftentimes feel like they are being put through an assembly line of tests and procedures, and not being listened to. 

So let's dive in to the 10 facts about Naturopathic infertility care. 

Less Invasive Approach

Naturopathic doctors work from least invasive means up to more invasive means as their clients need. As you can see, in the triangle diagram above, you can see there are many opportunities for success before reaching medications, surgeries, and invasive procedures. Especially when it comes to fertility, you want to make sure you start with least forceful procedures first. Forcing pregnancy through more invasive procedures, without addressing the root cause, can lead to complications in the pregnancy and with the baby. 

Safe and Effective

Naturopathic approaches are safe and effective. Since naturopathic treatments work with your body to heal it, and they do not utilize invasive therapies so readily, the treatments as a result are safer. When you address infertility from its root cause and build a foundation of health, not only can that be effective in and of itself, it also increases the effectiveness of any potential procedures you may need. 


Naturopathic Doctors are not bound to the algorithms and requirements of insurance, as much as Medical Doctors are. It is important to note, that if a Medical Doctor practices outside of insurance, they too can offer personalization of treatment. Personalization allows us to really listen to our clients, order testing that gives us different information, and personalize their treatment to them specifically. It is common for two couples with the same challenges to receive completely different treatment plans.  

Addresses the Root Cause

This is necessary for the health of the baby and pregnancy regardless of how you get pregnant. Even if you end up using IUI/IVF/ICSI, addressing the root cause of your infertility and optimizing health will increase chances of success, and increase chances of a healthier outcome of pregnancy. It is important to note that addressing the root cause is not the same as taking a medication to suppress symptoms, stimulate ovulation, or hormonally regulate your cycle. The goal of addressing the root cause is to assist your body in functioning optimally on its own.

Decreases Risk of Complications in Pregnancy

The approaches utilized by Naturopathic Doctors will overall improve the health of the couple tremendously. Improving your health will set your body up for success, and will optimize sperm quality and egg quality which will decrease the risk of health complications in the baby and pregnancy complications. 

Effective for Both Men and Women

Naturopathic Doctors have a wide range of therapies and tools available to them. Treatments, when personalized, are effective for both men and women, and together, that combination created an optimal environment for fertility. 

Whole Person Approach

Naturopathic Doctors understand that all of your organ systems are connected. Your endocrine system (hormones) is not independently operating separately from you nervous system, for example. We offer the unique opportunity to look at you as a whole, and offer treatment that benefit you as a whole. 


The cost of IVF ranges from $15,000 to $30,000, and that is for one round. Many couples need multiple rounds. Naturopathic care is a tiny fraction of that, and offers much more value. What I mean by value is, many couples prevent the need for IVF entirely, and if the couple still needs to utilize IVF they are more likely to avoid multiple rounds. 

Reduces the Need for Invasive Treatments

Anything that improves your fertility will increase your chances of getting pregnant without needing invasive procedures. It is well established that addressing the root cause and improving your fertility with a foundational approach will improve chances of conceiving naturally, therefore completely avoiding invasive procedures. 

Improves outcomes of other therapies, if needed

The benefit of taking the Naturopathic route first, is that if by chances you do need to move forward with other procedures, you're money, time, and efforts are less likely to be wasted. You will walk into that treatment with a much higher chance of success because you are in a much better place physically, as well as sperm quality and egg quality, for the procedure to be successful.


So there you have it! The 10 facts about Naturopathic infertility care. I hope you found this empowering and I hope it shed light into how Naturopathic Medicine can profoundly shift your fertility!


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